Thursday, February 25, 2016

Kip Moore - Running For You

Anyone who knows me well,
knows I love deep voices.
Can't get enough of Kip Moore's
raspy sexy voice.
Listen and love!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Types of Journals

Different kinds of journals

If you are thinking about starting a journal, and don't know where to start, here are some ideas to help you get started.  While I have provided you with a few ideas, this list is by no way all encompassing.

1.  Gratitude journal:  If you are caught up in the stress that life causes, a gratitude journal may be helpful to you.  We can become so wrapped up in the little things that we forget to focus on the positive.  Just journal one thing you are grateful for each day.

2.  Dream journal:  With this type of journal you write down as many details about your dream that you can capture every morning.  People use this type of journal to either capture the dream, or analyze it. 

3.  Project journal:  While working on projects, this is a great way to keep track of details.  For instance, if I am photographing a specific area and I like a special spot, or need a special lens, or maybe there are problems with the lighting, this is a great way to record and keep all the information in one place.

4.  Time capsule journal:  This type of journal is focused on a specific time, or specific event.  You could keep it on the upcoming election, a pregnancy, wedding, etc.  It could be on local or national events. 

5.  Travel journal:  This is pretty self explanatory.  You write about places you have gone, and things you have done.  Many people choose to be specific, and use this journal as a reference either when returning to the area, or when making recommendations to family/friends/acquaintances.

6.  Creative journal:  Creative journals are fantastic place to put your collection of idea.  You can include drawings, sketches, collages, magazine clippings, etc..  Let your imagination run free! 

7.  Quick journal:  If the idea of doing a journal is daunting to you, this type of journal may be just what you need.  The goal is to just write something down every day whether it be an adjective or a sentence or two.

8.  Specific topic journal:  This journal is meant to follow kids, a job, exercise, weight, etc.  It helps you to track progress throughout time.

I personally prefer the quick journal.  I generally journal at night time, usually before I go to bed.  After a long day at work, I don't really want to put too much thought or effort into anything.  That's why I love the writing prompts that Q & A a Day - 5 Year Journal provides.  Like I said in the previous post, you answer one question every day for 5 years, then upon completion you can go back and compare your answers from previous years. 

If you're curious about what type of prompts are in the journal, here are a few examples:

Are you a leader or a follower?
Where do you want to travel next?
Write down a new fact that you recently learned.
How could today have been better?
What's your favorite question to ask people?

So have I hooked you?  You ready to go off and start a journal?  If so, what type would you keep?

*If you're interested in the journal in the picture, I have included a link.  It is from an Etsy shop.
Pretty cool, right!

Monday, February 8, 2016


I received a journal as a gift for Christmas this year.
It was very thoughtful, but I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it, as I have never been a journal/diary person.

When I showed Todd my gift that I had received he informed me that he had just started to journal
and suggested that I journal along with him.
Todd bought a book that contains journal questions that you answer every day for 5 years.

When I found out that this was a 5 year project, I knew that I was going to need some more journals.
Where did I go for my new journals?
Why TJ Maxx of course.
They have the best selection for the cheapest price.

I now have 3 journals, and I absolutely loving writing something every night.
I am using one to journal, and one at my bedside to write notes and to do lists.
Maybe I'll do another posts and list some of the questions I'm answering.
So what do you think? Do you keep a journal?  If so, for how long?

Monday, February 1, 2016

Cuteness Explosion - Winter Edition

Tell the truth,
you read this out loud with an English accent didn't you?