Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Sam Hunt - Take Your Time

I wasn't sure how I felt about this song
when I first heard it.
It feels like country and rap almost, but not.
You'll have to listen and tell me what you think.
Now I really like it.
So what's your verdict?

Fixing the Car

My little car has been throwing codes
off and on for a few months.
Knowing that I have to get it smogged
fairly soon, I decided to take it to the
dealer and see what the issue was.
I was hesitant because every time I take
my cars in, it ends up costing me in the thousands.
We dropped my baby off on a Friday,
and on Monday we found out what the issues were.
My CV joint was bad, as was my oxygen sensor.
Around $800.
I talked to Todd that evening,
and we decided that we would have the dealership
fix the CV joint
(because it is a big hassle),
and Todd would fix the oxygen sensor
(with the understanding that I would stay out
in the garage with him and help him fix it).
The CV joint ended up costing me around $380,
which I was actually pretty happy with.
The dealership had quoted me $360 for the oxygen sensor.
Todd went to the local auto parts store and purchased the
sensor for $40, plus an additional $20 for
the special little tool you need to take it out.
Todd informed me it would take about 30 minutes
to replace, which I know in Todd speak
 is actually about 3-4 hours.
We started the project around noon on Sunday.
I wasn't particularly excited because I knew that
my main day to relax was going to be shot,
but I was happy because I was going to save money.
Todd starting to work on my car.

See the black thing coming out of the silver thing?
That's the oxygen sensor.
Todd removed four bolts, pulled off the silver covering...
I then opened the package to the special tool and handed it
to him, he removed the old sensor and put on the new one,
and within 15 minutes he was done.
$300. saved.
Can I ever get back those 15 minutes of pure torture
having to be in the garage watching a car be worked on,
no, but it was well worth $300.
So that is what exciting things we do around
our household on the weekend.
What have you done lately to save extra $.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Friday the 13th

Winter Color

As you are probably very well aware,
my good camera died before Christmas.
One of my favorite things to do is take
pictures of inanimate objects, so I've been
bummed because I had no real way to go
about this.  Until....my work gave me
a Samsung Note.  It's a tablet/phone,
but the camera on it is pretty great.
Here are some shots from around the house.

I love to walk around the yard trying to find
color in the yard during the winter when everything
seem dead and drab.

Sunday, February 8, 2015


I CANNOT get this song out of my head.

Great song!

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Wine and Women

The other day, my sister-in-law invited me
to attend a Wine and Women's gathering.
I wasn't sure what to expect, so I was a little apprehensive.
All I knew about the event was that there
would be WINE and WOMEN.
Let me tell you, I'm glad I went.
I met Amy and Susan (her mom) around 6 PM,
and we headed over to the lovely hostesses house.
It just so happened that I knew the gal who was
hosting the event, so that automatically put me
a little more at ease.
Everyone brought a bottle of wine and  hors d'oeuvres to share.
About 30-40 women attended,
so there was more than enough
food and drink to go around.
Women of all ages were there,
and there were various conversations happening
throughout the evening.
There was some social networking going on,
people re-connecting, and light hearted conversation.
In short, a forum for women to connect with each other.
If you have never attended an event like this,
I suggest you give it a try.
You especially need this if you have a
busy schedule and cannot find time for yourself.

Susan, Amy and my mother-in-law, Anne.

Favorites from the night.  The theme was a funny label.
Worst case scenario, you go and try a
bunch of different wines.
Now that's pure torture - NOT!