Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Day

I really enjoyed my four day weekend. I managed to do very, very little. I like to think of it as mental health time. I woke up around 9 AM (unheard of for me) every day, eat breakfast, sit on the couch and watch The Amazing Race, eat lunch, sit on the couch and watch The Amazing Race, eat dinner, sit on the couch and watch The Amazing Race. It was an Amazing Race marathon, and it was heaven.

Doing our nails.

T-rex Lexx.

Our little statue soaking up some sun.

Things I'm thankful for today:
Being able to relax.
Being able to relax a little more.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentine's Day Result

I thought I would update you about what I ended up doing for Todd on Valentine's Day...well, not much. I didn't do the project I thought that I might attempt (I may try and do it for Father's Day or his birthday), and I didn't make brownies. I ended up making him dinner and a big huge cookie. Not very romantic, but he was busy working, trying to get some plans finished up, and so dinner and a cookie was it.
He seemed to enjoy it so I guess that is all that matters.

Enchilada casserole
(No picture of the salad and corn because frankly, it's boring).

The monster chocolate chip cookie.

Todd enjoying pazooki.

Lexx really enjoying pazooki.

Things I'm thankful for today:
Being let off work early.
Getting to surf the net without fighting with anybody over the computer.
A 4 (yes 4) day weekend - YIPPEEEEE

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentines Day Fail

Just one example of the more creative side of me.

I suppose I should be planning where to go or what to buy Todd for Valentines Day, but I haven't. I find it a little ridiculous to spend a lot of money on one day so you can show your significant other just how much you love them. Todd and I love each other every day...I don't feel that we need to do indebt ourselves on one specific day, besides, isn't that what an anniversary is for? Maybe I'm the world's worst wife, maybe not?

I did have a DIY craft project that I thought I might try for Todd's Valentine Day card, but being realistic, it is WAY above my ability level and I don't see any way that I will finish the project in time. I'm not what one would call artistic or craftistic (I made that word you like?). Fact is, I pretty much suck on the creative side. What? We can't all be talented, and for those of you who are, thanks for sucking up all the creative gene for the rest of us.

On second thought, maybe I'll just buy brownie mix, bake brownies and call it a day(nom, nom, nom). You can't go wrong with that!

What I'm thankful for today:
Getting to spend the weekend with my honey.
Being loved every day - yes Todd, I'm talking about you.
Brownie mix ;)