Tuesday, June 29, 2010


While searching the internet for kitchen remodels, I found this beauty (above). I'm in love with this counter top * SWOON*. Can you believe this is cement...yep, I said cement. Cement = indestructable + easy clean up = TRUE LOVE. I'm not sure, but somebody might come to our house and accidentally pop a bunch of counter tiles...just sayin.

Things I'm thankful for today:

Yummy seasonal fruit
World Cup soccer conversation with the hubby
Sweet phone calls from my adult children

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Under Construction

Todd has been a busy boy. He's been able to pop up the tiles in about 1/3 of our kitchen. We are replacing the old tiles with the slate and granite that we already have in the living room. It will look beautiful when he is all done, but boy does it sure make a mess in the process.

Things I'm thankful for today:
ice water
pony tails

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Father's Day Armada

Todd barbecuing.

Lynn modeling a paddle.

Dennis, I'm not sure what he was doing.

Austin smiling.

Robb relaxing.

Bret observing.

Most of the McComb armada.

It was a fabulous Sunday, and Todd decided he wanted to go kayaking to celebrate Father's Day. Todd invited his dad, uncle and brother's and all the McComb women joined them. Anne invited her friend from work, Yvonne, and her husband Steve. We all chowed down on hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, chips, fruit salad, various delicious cookies and brownies. We had to carb up for the upcoming kayak workout. We arrived at Loon Lake around noon, ate around 2 pm, and then kayaked until about 6 pm. There were several people at the lake, but I didn't see any other boats ON the lake. It was AWESOME! It was like we had our own private lake just for our use. There was a nice little breeze, the temperature was probably in the 70's, and there was some snow still lining part of the banks. It was a perfect picturesque day.

Things I'm thankful for today:
Relaxing after a long day at work

Friday, June 18, 2010

Update On My Dad

Everything is A-ok. Apparently my dad was having gallstone/gallbladder problems. He will be having surgery next week to remove the problematic part, and I've been told that the surgery is fairly simple. He should be up and moving around in no more than a week. Yeah!
Thing I'm thankful for today:
Everybody is healthy and happy

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Scary Day

Today has been a scary day. I received a phone call from my mom at around 4:45 PM letting me know that my dad had been taken to Auburn Faith by ambulance. It appeared that he might have had a heart attack, but when test result came back, they all looked good. He is being kept overnight for observation, but at this point, it looks like he's going to be okay. Can I get a big "PHEWWWW"!

Things I'm thankful for today:
Family coming together during crisis
Caring friends
And I think it goes without saying, that my dad is okay :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Is this what they mean when they say, "Dog days of Summer"?
I guess I should be happy it hasn't hit 100 degrees yet.

What I'm thankful for today:
Spending quality time with my homedog (Loki)
Jib jabbin with Alexxa

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

That's Gonna Leave a Mark

Because life has been so hectic the past few weeks, Todd and I decided to take Sunday and go on a little kayaking adventure. We grabbed the puppies, left the house around 10 AM and arrived at Ice House around 11:00 AM. It was a perfect day with sunshine and a nice little breeze. There was still snow on the ground and the water was chilly, a perfect combination. Todd and I enjoyed ourselves immensely, in fact, maybe a little too much...see for yourself.

Bailey enjoying the ride.

Loki leading the way.

Todd loving the outdoors.

Me enjoying the peace and quiet.

Ice House landscape.

A little more of Ice House.

Burn baby, burn!
Todd and I enjoyed ourselves so much that we neglected to notice that we were being burned to a crisp. You would think that a couple of middle aged individuals could figure out how to keep from getting sunburned by now.
What I'm thankful for today:
Not having to use lidocaine and motrin to get through the day today.
Having Lexxa home to do all of MY chores ;P
Having expert kayak skills...bahahahaha *wink, wink*

Saturday, June 5, 2010

She Did It!

Some of the food, minus the 6 foot long sub (it's up on the counter).

Closeup of Alexxa

Alexxa, again!

Almost a graduate.

No longer a high school student.

The weather was beautiful, the ceremony short, the company great...pretty amazing day.
What I'm thankful for today...
Good food
Good company
Good times
(Sounds like a beer commercial...wait, is it?)

Friday, June 4, 2010

Big Day

Today's the day...the girl is graduating high school. I can't believe the day is already here. Cross your fingers that the weather holds. Pictures to follow.

What I'm thankful for today...
Alexxa and all her hard work
Family and friends gathering to celebrate
The day off to prepare

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

OOOhhhh My Aching Feet

My poor little tootsies are killing me. I think I'll have a warm bath, maybe a quick foot massage and a little nighty night. That should make all things good with the world. Until tomorrow :)

Things I'm thankful for today:
Husband and wife teamwork
Lexx putting in job applications
Austin having a job
Mom and Dad getting home safely