Monday, August 15, 2016

A Perfectly Simple Weekend

The hubs and I managed to get away for
a couple of days two weekends ago.
It was magnificent!
We made no plans, just hopped in the car
and drove to North Lake Tahoe.

We didn't get there until around 3:30 PM,
so it was a little late in the day.
We didn't let that deter us though.
We headed straight for Sand Harbor.
It took us a bit to inflate the kayak,
so when it was said and done, we actually
got the boat in the water by 4 PM.

The beach was busy, but we didn't really
care because we just needed the boat ramp,
and then we were paddling our little hearts out.

We stopped in a little alcove to take some
pictures and catch our breath
I love the panoramic views.
I can't figure out how to use the feature on my
phone, so Todd was assigned that job.

After a couple of hours exploring Tahoe's coastline
we decided to call it a day.
We were getting hungry and wanted
to get some dinner
We made a quick stop at our hotel,
and then went to dinner at Jason's Beachside Grill.
We had a wonderful dinner,
and afterwards we headed back to the hotel
and watched lots of bad television....
bad as in terrible programming,
not bad as in naughty!
When we woke up the following morning,
we decided to go to Tahoe Biltmore
for their breakfast buffet.

It was one of the best buffets I've ever had.
They had the normal breakfast buffet food,
but they also had ribs, salmon, chicken, etc.
Todd thoroughly enjoy it.

It was a perfect weekend...
except for this
It looked like everybody had the same idea as us.
It took us a little while to get home,
but we didn't mind the traffic...
after all, we had just had a nice relaxing time in Tahoe.

It was a perfectly simple weekend,
but enough to refresh our souls and prepare
us for the craziness of the upcoming work week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a nice little trip!! Who could possibly eat ribs, chicken or salmon at breakfast time?? Oh wait, I answered my own question!! AA